酵素青汁109種の発酵エキス/ diệp lục 109 loại rau quả
●大麦若葉の青汁に、108種類もの野菜・果物・穀物を熟成発酵した酵素エキスを配合。 飲みやすい味に仕上げました。
● Enzyme extract made by aging and fermenting 108 kinds of vegetables, fruits and grains is added to the green juice of young barley leaves. Finished with a taste that is easy to drink.
● Gentle sweetness that is easy for children to drink
● How to eat As it is a
food, there is no particular rule, but 1 to 3 packets a day is a guide (3 g per serving is about 100 to 180 cc of water or milk, etc.-other than carbonated drinks- Please mix well with and enjoy.
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